Resource Lab helps you succeed in your digital transformation
HR at the heart of Digital Transformation
Human and Digital, their disjoint or joint actions and their capacity to work in synergy to enable companies to go into action will determine the success or failure of organisations in the years to come. In this context, the HRD must not only ensure its own transformation but also facilitate the transformation of the rest of the company and deal with related issues such as robotisation, cybersecurity or teleworking.
In collaboration with the IT department and the other stakeholders of the company, the Human Resources Department is the guarantor of an effective transformation which is both a source of progress and respectful of individuals
The essence before the substance, the pen before the keyboard
How many digital projects fail or do not achieve their objectives because they have not taken the time to define the business need? In the same way that sound reasoning can be based on a false premise, well-built software can miss the needs of users and other stakeholders.
At Resource Lab we take a design approach. This means that we do not conceive the creation of a scheme, a website or even a software without the use and the expected benefits being clear and shared by all.
To achieve this, we combine a wealth of business expertise, 20 years of experience in HRIS and a permanent monitoring of design and modelling techniques.
A la carte services
Depending on the maturity of your project, we can intervene on the following subjects
- Ideation
- Inspiration phase
- Definition of the functional need
- Object modelling
- Help in writing the specifications
- Mock-ups and prototypes
- Functional monitoring of the project
Resource Lab helps you to meet the challenges of digital transformation. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.